

Can I use Windows Explorer to erase files on a Flash card?

The answer is "no."  You may not use the Windows Explorer or any other file manager to erase files from a Flash card.

Although the Flash cards are formatted in DOS (FAT) format, it not recommended to use them in conjunction with a file manager for the purpose of deleting files from it. 

 Use the Format command on the Flash Utilities menu to reformat (erase) a card after you have transferred (read)  its content to your Winner folder.

Please refer to "PCMCIA Direct Read" for information on enabling your computer to read a Flash card.   It is important to note that this feature is only available in Flash version D7.  You may determine your version number by examining the revision number on the "Mode" menu.


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Last Updated: 05/24/2007 12:22:31 PM
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