Technical Tips Series
October 10, 2000
Version 7.0.55f


How do you change the margins for a transcript?

This question should be broken down to three separate questions:  (1) How do you change the margins before translation?  (2) How do you change the margins for a *paragraph* within a transcript? And finally, (3) how do you change the margins for an entire transcript within the editor?

The "transcript layout" information is stored in the page layout file (files with LAY extension).  A layout file stores the margin information only.  Paragraph setup information is stored in the paragraph style files (files with STY extension).  The user must use the Page Styles button on the Winner2000 window to access a page layout file and alter it prior to translating a job.  The changes made to a page layout affect only the jobs that will be translated after the changes are made.  Existing transcripts will not be affected by changing the layout information.

The second part of the question deals with changing the margins (left and right) for a single paragraph or all the paragraphs with the same name; this is accomplished in one of two ways: the user may either use the "margin indicators" on the ruler bar (see the screen shot below), or use the Format/Paragraph option on the menu bar to manually change the margins for a paragraph.  It is very important to note that you *cannot* extend the right margin beyond the rightmost position established on the page layout tab (discussed below).

 Using the preceding instructions to change a paragraph style will affect only the paragraph at the cursor position.  You may apply the changes to every paragraph with the same name.   Click on the Styles drop-down list, and reselect the same style name t o apply style changes to the rest of paragraphs with the same style name.  The editor will display the following dialog box when you reselect the same style name:


 Click on the Yes button to apply the change throughout the transcript, choose No to reapply the original style to the paragraph, or click on Cancel to keep the current style.

Finally, the last part of the question asks how to change the margins for the whole transcript.  This is accomplished by opening the transcript in the editor, then selecting File/Page Setup/Margins to alter the margins (top, bottom, left, or right).  The margins on this tab control the entire transcript.  For example, extending the right margin will affect the right margin for the entire transcript. 


In conclusion,  one must decide what result they need to achieve and  use an appropriate function to arrive at the intended result.  Keep in mind that margins on the Format/Paragraph function affect the paragraph that the cursor is on (these are paragraph properties), but the margins on the File/Page Setup/Margins tab control the entire transcript (these are transcript properties).


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