

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a short list of common Windows 98 shortcuts:

  1. Press the Control + escape key to bring up the Start menu

  2. Sometimes, when you have too many windows open, it is difficult to remember what is open.  For this purpose, you can use the Alt+tab key.  Press and hold down the Alt key, then press the tab key (don't let go of the Alt key).  Windows will show you the icons for the programs that are open.  Press the tab key again (you should be still holding down the Alt key ) to move the square box to the program you would like to reveal.  Let go of the Alt key to see the selected window.

  3. If you are using Windows 98 and you have a "flying Windows logo key" on your keyboard, press that key along with the D key, and it will minimize all programs and take you directly to your desktop.